Heatherside Juniors Dance Club
This club is available only to pupils of Heatherside Junior School in Years 3 to 6 and is suitable for girls and boys of mixed ability. Places are allocated on a "First Come First Served" basis.
To apply, please select the "Application Form" link below; complete the revealed form; and click the "Submit" button. After which you will see a message to confirm the application has been sent.
You will be contacted within 48 hours with confirmation of a place and with information regarding payment - which you will need to make to secure the booking.
In the absence of a response to your Application within 14 days of submission, you should email ladancecentre@gmail.com
Classes are held on Thursdays from 3:10 - 4:10 p.m. running from 16th January 2025 to 3rd April 2025 (excluding Heatherside's Half Term week). Booking is for the full term at a non-refundable cost of £80, which should be paid as soon as you have been advised a place has been allocated. Payment should be by Bank Transfer as follows:
Barclays Bank.
Sort Code: 20-16-99
Account: L.A Dance Centre
Account number: 40806838
Reference: Heatherside - followed by your child's surname.
P.E. kit / exercise gear and trainers must be worn and it would be sensible to have a bottle of water.
Your child's commencement at the club signifies your acceptance of the Terms of Enrolment as indicated on this page.
In case of any query, you can contact Lynne on ladancecentre@gmail.com or, if urgent, on 07717 433651.