Online Class Fees
It is now planned to continue our Online Classes for 6 weeks from Monday 8th June through to the end of the Summer Term on Friday 17th July and the a revised timetable is available by following the link below.
Students / Parents are required to register for these classes and accept our Terms of Registraion. Details of the process has been advised to all students and is also available on request.
Payment of fees should preferably be by Bank Transfer - rather than by cash - and should specify the Students name as a reference. Cheques are not accepted because of high fees levied by our bank for collection of cheques. If this will cause a problem, please contact us.
Online Classes are either for 30 minutes or 40 minutes. The charge is for the complete block of six weekly classes and is as follows:
Six weekly classes of 30 minutes each - £24 total charge
Six weekly classes of 40 minutes each - £27.00 total charge